Sunday, June 21, 2015

DLP and 52 Friends Round Robin Encore

Everyone will start a piece of art and then mail to the next person in line. That person will add to it and mail to the next and so on until the originator gets their piece back. 
Please put DLP and 52 Friends on the back of your piece so people in other groups do not mail to the wrong individual. This takes awhile - so be patient. Once you receive a piece in the mail please try and forward it on within 5-7 days. You can start your piece now, so when partners are assigned it can be mail out. Partners will be assigned on Sunday, June 21st. Please post if you will mail overseas.
Im glad i made this when the initial post was written, as i broke my index finger last weekend, lol.  Would have been difficult to fold the pop-up frame.  =)  So, this is the start for it and i will release it to the other 3 of 4 players to play and pass it on.  I hope it will challenge them to dream a bit and enjoy the fun of it all.

Summer of Color Week 2

Pink + Pink + Orange

The photos are washed out, but you get a hint of what it looks like!  I used a baby pink, orange and neon pink.

I made this several times, trying to hand letter : live in the moment and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.  Alas i failed and went to stamps.  The glitter on the nose looks funny here but its cute.

You can see how badly my hand lettering really is. =)  here.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Summer of Color

Last year I joined a group called summer of color.  This is the first week's challenge:

Blue + Blue + Green.

Bellow is a paper i make, and i love it.  Im actually addicted to using it.

I made this small drawer set for sequins from the tiny matchbox's and covered it with this paper, not on the back or bottom.  I can easily push the tiny drawers out from the back.  Love it.  Will make more.

The first time I used it was to make a happy mail tag.  I turned the heart flowers into balloons.

So I decide to use those three colors to try to make this same design using the same techniques.

Sorry they are sideways!  The one on the top needs a mermaid on it!  The one on the bottom, im not sure how it will turn out..

I made this ATC and holder from the third section of the original full page.  Its called 'Yesterday's dreams are todays realities'.  

Obviously, it all needs more art.  I really enjoyed this first week.